Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
E. Kurča
Authors place of work:
Neurologická klinika JLF UK a MFN, Martin
Published in the journal:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2009; 72/105(6): 499-510
This work contains detailed information concerning Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). The epidemiology of CTS is discussed in the introduction while the epidemiological relationship to the professional aspect of CTS is the subject of another chapter. In the parts describing anatomy and pathogenesis, the focus is on an entire series of anatomical variations concerning carpal tunnel as well as on the fact that the clinical picture of CTS significantly relies upon the motor innervation distribution between n. medianus (the medianus nerve) and n. ulnaris (the ulnar nerve) in the area of the palm. All local and systematic causes that could lead to or partially cause the development of CTS are listed enumeratively, as well. Following a detailed description of the clinical picture of CTS, the following chapter describes the diagnostics of CTS; attention is focused not only on the ever attractive so‑ called provocation tests of the electromyogram (EMG) but to a significant degree on the ultrasound (US) as well. The chapter concerning therapy describes the maximum possibilities of conservative therapy of CTS, about the timing of surgical treatment as well as the selection of optimal surgical procedures between conventional procedures and the use of endoscopic techniques. We also offer a special discussion on problems concerning local administration of pharmaceuticals to the carpal tunnel.
Key words:
carpal tunnel syndrome – conduction studies – ultrasonography – surgery
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Dětská neurologie Neurochirurgie NeurologieČlánek vyšel v časopise
Česká a slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie

2009 Číslo 6
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