Measuring of Cognitive Deficit after Cerebral Aneurysm Intervention
L. Krámská 1; M. Preiss2 ,3; J. Hradil 4
Authors‘ workplace:
Neurologické oddělení, Nemocnice Na Homolce, Praha
1; Psychiatrické centrum Praha
2; University of New York, Praha
3; Neurochirurgie, Krajská nemocnice Liberec, a. s.
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2012; 75/108(2): 185-190
Original Paper
This study focuses on an assessment of cognitive functions in patients after cerebral artery aneurysm surgery.
The main research problem is to obtain a valid assessment pertaining to the decrease of cognitive performance. Authors discuss routine clinical techniques which are applied in day to day practice in the Czech Republic – comparison of Full-Scale IQ with a reference norm and difference between verbal and performance IQ. Eighty out of the 168 patients were neuropsychologically evaluated for 1.7 years after the operation.
The mean Full-Scale, Verbal and Performance IQ significantly decreased in comparison to the norm: 6.6 and 5 points, respectively. The mean difference between verbal and performance IQ was 0.5 points, p = 0.92.
The authors point out some disadvantages of using WAIS-R in this group of patients:
lack of difference between verbal and performance intellect, probably caused by diffuse brain injury; old norms as a probable reason for absence of cognitive deficit in some patients, insufficient information about premorbid intelligence level (pre-surgery testing not possible). The authors recommend using a premorbid intelligence test in patients after neurosurgery interventions.
Key words:
subarrachnoid hemorrhagie – cerebral aneurysm – cognitive deficit – premorbid intellect
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Paediatric neurology Neurosurgery NeurologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

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