Tumo urs of the Third Cerebral Ventricle
J. Šteňo 1; J. Šteňová 2; I. Bízik 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Neurochirurgická klinika LF UK a FNsP, Bratislava, 2Anatomický ústav LF UK, Bratislava
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2009; 72/105(4): 302-316
The nerve structures which make up the walls of the third cerebral ventricle provide for important functi ons, in particular maintaining home ostasis, memory mechanisms and visu al functi ons. Their gradu al impairment by tumo ur can be compensated for various time periods. When the tumo ur clinically manifests, it may alre ady be of significant extend, or it can ca use an extensive obstructive hydrocephalus. Surgical manipulati on of impaired nerve structures while accessing the tumo ur as well as during its resecti on may seri o usly worsen the pati ent’s conditi on. Therefore, in the past surgery focused in particular on bi opsy and the restorati on of cerebrospinal fluid circulati on. The improvement in imaging di agnostics and microsurgical techniques has enabled us to re ach almost any part of the brain witho ut any permanent post‑surgical deficit. As a result, not only the tumoro us tissue but also its relati onship to the surro unding structures is suffici ently detected. The surge on can identify the optimal extent of tumo ur resecti on and remove, under favo urable anatomical conditi ons, the tumo ur radically witho ut exposing the pati ent to any risks. Within o ur pati ent gro up, this was possible in two‑thirds of the pati ents. However, it depends on the tumo ur locati on and histological nature.
Key words:
third ventricle – hypothalamus – brain tumour – surgical treatment
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Paediatric neurology Neurosurgery NeurologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

2009 Issue 4
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