Analysis of Psychological Profile and Vide o- EEG Monitoring in Sleep in Children with Developmental Dysphasi a
L. Neuschlová; K. Štěrbová; J. Žáčková; V. Komárek
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika dětské neurologie UK 2. LF a FN Motol, Praha
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2009; 72/105(4): 343-349
Original Paper
We analyzed data from 37 children di agnosed with developmental dysphasi a, who were referred for all‑night vide o‑EEG monitoring in order to detect epileptiform activity in sleep.
We compared the results of a psychological evalu ati on in different gro ups of children, we focused on performance and verbal IQ and a vocabulary exam. Epileptiform discharges in sleep EEG were present in 12 children. Six of these children were included in an open prospective study of administering oral Di azepam for 6 to 8 months; these children were compared to six control subjects witho ut discharges in the EEG and witho ut medicati on. The aim was to verify the effect of a reducti on in epileptiform activity on langu age development.
Comparison of the initi al psychological evalu ati ons showed a tendency towards worse scores in both verbal and nonverbal skills in pati ents with epileptiform EEG activity. This trend was not evident in the yo ungest category. In the six children with epileptiform activity who participated in o ur prospective study with oral Di azepam, we fo und a marked improvement in verbal skills, demonstrated as an incre ase in verbal IQ, only in one case.
Conclusi on:
Our results do not support the hypothesis that children with developmental dysphasi a and epileptiform EEG may benefit from anti epileptic tre atment. However, o ur sample is not large eno ugh for statistical evalu ati on. Our study may serve as a valu able so urce of informati on for further prospective studi es in pati ents with developmental dysphasi a.
Key words:
dysphasia – electroencephalography
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Paediatric neurology Neurosurgery NeurologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

2009 Issue 4
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