Functional and structural cortical changes in patients with non-specific low back pain
P. Hradilová; J. Opavský; D. Smékal
Authors‘ workplace:
Palackého v Olomouci
; Fakulta tělesné kultury, Univerzita
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2020; 83/116(5): 514-519
Review Article
Back pain is a common part of life in most adults. The lifetime prevalence of low back pain is reported to be more than 80%. Mechanical factors, such as mild patho-anatomical imaging findings or non-ergonomic work, do not appear to play a major role in the pathogenesis of this pain. Many patients with chronic or recurrent back pain show a deficit in postural control and dysfunctional coactivation of trunk muscles. This probably significantly contributes to the development of this pain and prolonged difficulties. However, the possibilities of objectification and interpretation of functional and structural changes at the CNS level, which are the basis of these disorders, remain up to now unclear. The aim of this article is to inform the reader about the results of available recent studies which deal with changes at the highest levels of movement control in connection with non-specific low back pain. The results of these studies may contribute to understanding the nature of motor control disorders in these patients and in the future contribute also to the development of new therapeutic directions.
non-specific low back pain – motor control – cortical reorganization – functional connectivity
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