Epidural application of steroids Part 2 – The quality of life of patiens before application
J. Cabadaj; J. Hóborová; M. Prokopová
Authors‘ workplace:
Neurologická ambulance, Nemocnice, v Chebu, Karlovarská krajská nemocnice, a. s.
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2020; 83/116(3): 323-329
Original Paper
Aim: In the second part of the study concerning epidural corticosteroid applications, the authors collected data from 289 patients who were divided into three groups: “adults” (A; N = 103), “seniors” (S; N = 64) and “seniors with chronic pain” (SCP; N = 118). Data were evaluated using the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF). The aim of the study is to evaluate the impact of the root lumbar spine syndrome, most commonly due to the prolapse of the intervertebral disc, on the overall quality of life, physical and mental health of patients coming in for the epidural corticosteroid application.
Patients and methods: The average age of the groups varies: 52.5 vs. 70.2 vs. 73 years. Otherwise, the groups are comparable to female representation and to pain rates of 4.7 on the Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS). In addition, A and S groups are comparable in terms of the epidural corticosteroid application but they differ in Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) – A = 30.8% and S = 40.6%, which is approximately in the centre and at the upper limit of the medium disability zone.
Results: In all groups, the quality of life assessment and satisfaction with their health have a reduced value compared to the population norm, with the lowest rating found in the SCP group. In contrast to the population norm, the physical health domain rating is lower in all three groups, the A and S groups have the same rating of 21.39 and 21.41, resp., and the SCP group has a significantly lower rating for this domain of 10.66. The A group has values comparable to the population norm in domains of mental health, social relationships and environment. The S group has a score lower than the population norm in these domains, the SCP group has a lower score in the mental health and environment domains, and in the social-domain, the rating is higher than the population norm.
Conclusion: Most foreign studies with patients indicated for epidural corticosteroid application use the Short Form-36 questionnaire to assess the quality of life in patients with chronic low back pain.
Quality of life – epidural application of steroids – WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire
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