The Effects of Robotic Gait Rehabilitation on Psychosomatic Indicators at the People with Different Etiology of Mental Retardation
S. Fischer 1; R. Ptáček 2; I. Žukov 2; K. Sláma 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Pedagogická fakulta UJEP, Masarykova
nemocnice Ústí nad Labem
1; Psychiatrická klinika 1. LF a VFN
v Praze
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2017; 80(6): 695-699
Original Paper
The aim of study was to find out the effect of robotic gait rehabilitation on psychosomatic indicators at people with different etiology of mental retardation. A stimulation and eventual development of unaffected or preserved abilities of individuals belong among current trends in the case of mental retardation and the treatment to related causal neurological disorders and diseases. The rehabilitation focused on environmental factors with aim to integrate individual into society is another current trend. For a decision to realize this research study we have been inspired by results of numerous studies, reported, for example, about the results of influence of robotic rehabilitation on psychosomatically health in the case of cerebral palsy.
Material and methods:
A total of 65 children in age from 3 to 6 years (42 boys, 23 girls) were observed in the beginning of rehabilitation and then after 6 weeks. Investigated patients were selected into three groups. 21 patients were with cerebral palsy, 21 with teratogenic and 20 with postnatal etiology. Psychosomatic indicators were monitored. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), and Functional Independence Measure were used as a methodological background.
We observed statistically significant positive differences in somatic indicators in the cause of cerebral palsy. In the case of teratogenic etiology was observed, although not statistically significant, but also an evident improvement of somatic indicators. In the case of all observed groups of patients we can talk about positive improvement in social adaptability. Statistically significant (p < 0.05) were findings again in case of cerebral palsy.
Results of the research indicate that the robotic gait rehabilitation may be usable as a rehabilitative and supportive method also in the treatment to mentally retarded persons. In the case of its use it is appropriate to take into account of the origin etiology of the disorder. Definitely we can recommend a preference for this method for mentally retarded persons with cerebral palsy after hypoxia.
Key words:
robotic gait rehabilitation – Lokomat – mental retardation – cerebral palsy – social adaptability – neuroplasticity
The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study.
The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers.
Chinese summary - 摘要
共有65名3〜6岁的儿童(42名男孩,23名女孩)参与该研究,并在康复训练初期和康复训练6周后对其进行观察。 调查患者分为三组:脑瘫21例,畸形21例,出生后患病20例。监测其身心指标。方法学背景包括:国际功能、残疾与健康分类(ICF)和功能独立性测量。
我们观察到脑瘫病因中躯体指标的统计学显著性差异。在观察到致畸病因的情况下,尽管没有统计学意义,但躯体指标也有明显改善。在所有观察患者中,我们可以看到社会适应性的积极改善。 在脑瘫中再次观察到具有统计学显著性(p <0.05)的发现。
机器人步态康复 - Lokomat - 智力迟钝 - 脑瘫 - 社会适应性 - 神经可塑性
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Paediatric neurology Neurosurgery NeurologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

2017 Issue 6
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