Olfactory Testing in Neurological Diseases using Odourized Markers Test
J. Vodička 1,2; L. Pecková 1; A. Kopal 3; E. Ehler 1,3; Viktor Chrobok 1,2
Authors‘ workplace:
Fakulta zdravotnických studií, Univerzita Pardubice
1; Klinika otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krku, Pardubická krajská nemocnice, a. s.
2; Neurologická klinika, Pardubická krajská nemocnice, a. s.
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2010; 73/106(1): 45-50
Original Paper
Decreased olfactory function has been demonstrated in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (IPD) by subjective olfactometry. The first goal of the study was to establish whether patients with IPD would score lower in such tests than patients suffering from other neurological diseases. The second goal of this study was establish whether olfactory tests could discriminate IPD from other patients with smell impairment.
Materials and methods:
A total of 218 subjects were included in the study: 64 healthy individuals, 90 with neurological diagnoses (30 of them with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease, 30 with multiple sclerosis and 30 with other neurological diseases), as well as patients with other aetiology of smell impairment (64 patients). The Odourized Markers Test and “Sniffin’ Sticks” (only part identification) were used to evaluate olfactory function in the subjects. Cognitive functions were evaluated in some of the subjects using the mini mental state examination. Rhino‑ endoscopy was performed in subjects with sinonasal disease and smell impairment to evaluate the nasal cavity. Results were statistically evaluated.
Patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease scored a statistically significantly lower score than healthy subjects and patients with other neurological disease (p < 0.05). It was not possible to discriminate subjects with Parkinson’s disease from other patients with olfactory loss (post‑traumatic, postviral and others) using the Odourized Markers Test.
The Odourized Markers Test can be used to measure olfaction in IPD, but results of this test are not specific for this aetiology of olfactory loss.
Key words:
olfactometry – Parkinson’s disease – olfaction disorders – multiple sclerosis
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Paediatric neurology Neurosurgery NeurologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

2010 Issue 1
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