Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery - Issue 6/2024
Letter to Editor
Laparoscopic treatment of a perorally extruding ventriculoperitoneal shunt
B. Yoldas, A. Arpa, P. Aydin Ozturk
Horner’s syndrome as a complication of thoracic epidural analgesia
J. Resler, O. Kráčmar, Z. Chovanec
Ventriculo-atrial shunt in the treatment of idiopathic intracranial hypertension in pregnancy
M. Plevko, V. Vybíhal, P. Fadrus, M. Smrčka
Friedreich’s ataxia
A. Zumrová, L. Šťovíčková
Original Paper
Anatomy of the recurrent artery of Heubner and ischemia of its territory after clipping of aneurysms of the anterior communicating artery
F. Vokálek, R. Bartoš, A. Hejčl, T. Radovnický, P. Vachata, M. Sameš, D. Ospalík, F. Cihlář, V. Němcová
Clinicians’ adherence to low back pain guidelines in the Czech Republic is low – an exploratory cross-sectional study
T. Kavka, M. Ryšavá, A. Kobesová
Evaluation of the impact of aphasia on communication and social participation in persons with stroke
Z. Cséfalvay, M. Horňáková, P. Janoško, V. Čiernik Kevická
Short Communication
Virtual reality in neurosurgery: development of an educational module focused on intracranial pressure sensor insertion
M. Filip, J. Doležel, A. Kozlovskaya, M. Kender, P. S. Novák, J. Filipová
Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

2024 Issue 6
Most read in this issue
- Friedreich’s ataxia
- Clinicians’ adherence to low back pain guidelines in the Czech Republic is low – an exploratory cross-sectional study
- Horner’s syndrome as a complication of thoracic epidural analgesia
- Anatomy of the recurrent artery of Heubner and ischemia of its territory after clipping of aneurysms of the anterior communicating artery