Analysis of a patient group with head and facial injuries in scooter accidents treated at the Central Military Hospital in Prague from 2010 to 2022
M. Černý 1; M. Májovský 1; J. Blecha 2; D. Netuka 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Neurochirurgická a neuroonkologická klinika 1. LF UK a ÚVN – VFN, Praha
1; Klinika otorhinolaryngologie a maxilofaciální chirurgie 3. LF UK a ÚVN – VFN, Praha
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2023; 86(3): 201-204
Short Communication
In recent years, the use of scooters has become an increasingly popular mode of transport in the Czech Republic, especially in large cities. However, with the increase in popularity comes an alarming increase in the number of accidents associated with this type of transport. This article presents the results of a retrospective study that evaluated the clinical and demographic characteristics of patients with these injuries, including diagnoses, outcomes, and complications. The analysis found that 21 patients with head and neck injuries associated with riding scooters were treated at the Central Military Hospital between 2010 and 2022. Major diagnoses included acute subdural hematoma (5; 24%), intracerebral hematoma (1; 5%), brain contusion (5; 24%), skull fracture (2; 10%) and facial skeletal injury (8; 38%). Of the serious complicating diagnoses not related to craniofacial injury, involvement of axial skeletal injury (2; 10%) and tension pneumothorax (1; 5%) occurred. Hospitalization was required in 71% of patients and neurosurgical intervention was performed in 4 patients. A serious problem is riding scooters while under the influence of alcohol and narcotics, which was found in 29% of cases. These results point to the need for increased caution and safety when using scooters.
Acute subdural hematoma – craniofacial trauma – intracerebral hematoma – cerebral contusion – road safety – scooter
This is an unauthorised machine translation into English made using the DeepL Translate Pro translator. The editors do not guarantee that the content of the article corresponds fully to the original language version.
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Paediatric neurology Neurosurgery NeurologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

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