Progressive multiple sclerosis in the light of the latest findings

Authors: D. Šťastná 1;  I. Menkyová 1,2;  D. Horáková 1
Published in the journal: Cesk Slov Neurol N 2023; 86(1): 10-17
Category: Přehledný referát
doi: https://doi.org/10.48095/cccsnn202310


Multiple sclerosis is a serious chronic neurological disease. In pathogenesis, both the inflammatory process and inflammation-triggered neurodegeneration play a role from the beginning. Their ratio is the basis for the clinical phenotype. The latest classification takes this into account and divides MS into relapsing and progressive (primary/secondary), where both phenotypes might be active or inactive. Although neurodegeneration is predominant in progressive forms, an inflammatory component is present in all phenotypes and can be therapeutically influenced. Therefore, it is important to identify progression early and provide adequate therapy. However, the priority remains to influence MS in its early stages to delay the onset of progression and to take a comprehensive approach with attention to a healthy lifestyle and influencing risk factors.


Multiple sclerosis – risk factors – diagnostics – secondary progression – primary progression – progressive multiple sclerosis – disease-modifying drugs – immunomodulatory treatment – immunopathogenesis

This is an unauthorised machine translation into English made using the DeepL Translate Pro translator. The editors do not guarantee that the content of the article corresponds fully to the original language version.



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